§ 22.20.060. Height Measurement and Height Limit Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • All structures shall meet the following standards relating to height, except for fences, which shall comply with Section 22.20.050 (Fencing and Screening Standards), above:


    Maximum height. The height of any structure shall not exceed the standard established by the applicable zoning district in Article II (Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses) and Article V (Coastal Zone Development and Resource Management Standards). Maximum height shall be measured as the vertical distance from grade to an imaginary plane located the allowed number of feet above and parallel to the grade. See Figure 3-5 (Measurement of Maximum Height) and definition of "Grade" in Article VIII (Definitions).

    FIGURE 3-5


    Detached accessory structures. A detached accessory structure shall not exceed 15 feet in height above grade. However, a detached accessory structure may be constructed to the height allowed for primary structures, by the applicable zoning district, if the accessory structure is located at least 40 feet from all property lines.


    Structures for parking. A detached parking structure is subject to the height limit required by Section 22.20.060.B (Detached accessory structures), above. Where a garage or other parking structure is located three feet from a front or side property line, in compliance with Section 22.32.130.B.2 (Residential Accessory Uses and Structures - Front setback exception), its height shall be measured from the floor level of the parking area.


    Fences. Height limits for fences are established by Section 22.20.050.A (Fencing and Screening Standards—Height Limitations), above.


    Exceptions to height limits:


    Institutional buildings. Where the maximum height established by the applicable zoning district is less than 75 feet, public and semi-public buildings, churches, hospitals, schools, and other institutional structures allowed in the zoning district may be erected to a height not exceeding 75 feet; provided that:


    The front, side, and rear yard setbacks shall be increased one foot for each one foot by which the structure exceeds the height limit established by the zoning district; and


    The Director determines that the amount of structure height allowed above the height limit of the underlying zoning district will not result in significant glare, light, privacy, shadow, or visual impacts to surrounding properties or scenic locations.


    Dwellings. Dwellings in an A, A2, RA, RR, RE, R1, and R2 zoning district may be increased in height without Variance approval by a maximum of 10 feet when side setbacks of 15 feet or greater are provided, subject to the regulations of Chapter 22.42 (Design Review).


    Solar panels. In A, A2, RA, RR, RE, R1, R2, H1, and VCR zoning districts, roof-mounted solar electric and solar thermal panels may exceed 30 feet above grade, provided no part of the equipment exceeds a height of 32 feet above grade unless approved through Design Review. Solar panels on the roofs of commercial, industrial, or institutional buildings may not exceed a height of six feet above the roof, to a maximum of 36 feet above grade unless approved through Design Review. The requirements of Sections 22.16.030.D.1, 22.16.030.D.2., 22.16.030.H relative to protection of rural visual character, 22.16.030.I.1.c., and 22.16.030.I.2, 22.42.060.B (Decisions and Findings) shall not apply to Design Review for solar panels.

    Roof-mounted solar panels on floating homes and arks in RF and RCR zoning districts may exceed the maximum height allowed by this Development Code or the maximum height allowed by previously approved permits by a maximum of two feet without being subject to discretionary approval by Floating Home Exception.


    Spires, towers, water tanks, etc. Chimneys, cupolas, flag poles, gables, monuments, spires, towers (e.g., transmission, utility, etc.), water tanks, similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances may be allowed to exceed the height limit established for the applicable zoning district, subject to the following standards.


    The structure shall not cover more than 15 percent of the lot area at any level, except with Site Plan Review approval.


    The area of the base of the structure shall not exceed 1,600 square feet.


    No gable, spire, tower or similar structure shall be used for sleeping or eating quarters or for any commercial purpose other than that which is incidental to the allowed uses of the primary structure.


    No structure shall exceed a maximum height of 150 feet above grade, except with Design Review approval. See Chapter 22.42 (Design Review).


    Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Height limits for WECS are established in Section 22.32.180 (Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS)).


    Height limit exceptions by Variance or Design Review.


    Primary structure. A primary structure may exceed the height limit of the applicable conventional zoning district with Variance approval. See exceptions for dwellings in certain zoning districts contained in Section 22.20.060.E.2. See Chapter 22.54 (Variances).


    Detached accessory structure. A detached accessory structure may exceed the height limit of the applicable conventional zoning district with Design Review approval provided that the structure shall not exceed the height limit for the primary structure. See Chapter 22.42 (Design Review).


    Agricultural structure. An agricultural structure may exceed the height limit of the applicable zoning district with Design Review approval. See Chapter 22.42 (Design Review).

(Ord. No. 3577, 2012; Ord. No. 3602, § II(exh. A), 2013; Ord. No. 3666 , § II(exh. A), 2017)